If you are interested in getting caught up with facts about your biggest asset’s worth today (you know, your HOME!), having fun while realizing you’re the smartest homeowner on the planet and gaining a heightened sense generosity because I’m showcasing how you can help others less fortunate, then

A) click here!  https://conta.cc/2Hki7g6

If not,

B) then just keep moving, there’s nothing to see here AND there’s a line up to get in! #yagottalivehere #the6ix

If you were wise enough to pick A…then why not sign up for my monthly one pager here on my website.  You won’t be sorry and you will be another of my avid readers who know all about how to make the best real estate decisions as a result.  It’s a win win!

And if you’re a grown up SENIOR like I am, or if you are simply an EMPTY NESTER, you’re in the right place at the right time.  There is a great article for you about RIGHT SIZING.  There is nothing I do better than help my clients to make the best choices for that big move forward.  I’ve done it myself, I get it and I am now thriving because of it.  You can too.  Just connect.  #growbolder #notolder !  And make sure that your next move up OR down, supports your lifestyle, your pursuits and your passions!

As I tell my clients repeatedly…

“That moment of absolute perfection, never arrives”.  But I can get you damned close to it.  Just connect!

If you (or someone you know), are looking for a Realtor who cares MORE about focusing on your concerns, goals and the successful purchase or sale of YOUR unique home, than they care about their volume of transactions and awards, please let me know the best way for me to connect.  I would love to offer my highly personal service. Contrary to that old expression, not only IS this business, but it IS personal! And, please, I encourage you to ask me any questions you may have about this post. I value your input and appreciate the time you took to read it.




My Clients Have the FIRST word and the FINAL say!

“We got it! We got it! The house of our dreams! It’s officially OURS! Thank you Jill! If anyone needs a killer, no BS realtor in Toronto, Jill Lubinski is your woman!”

- Kate Akman

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