Record Mid April Stats for Toronto Housing Market will literally “KNOCK YOUR SOCKS OFF”!


Record:Sales up in the GTA by 20% compared to this time in April 2015

Record: Average sale prices shot up 17% to $730.3K

In the city:  the average sale price for a home, including condos, which are cheaper, is now $761.1K

An average detached home, however, will now set you back  $1,248,000.  (In 905 area code, though, you can find a lovely home for a mere $868K !)

And condo sales in the city soared by 29% with average sale prices now moving up substantially, by a whopping 10%!!

So….how can I help YOU today!

My Clients Have the FIRST word and the FINAL say!

“We got it! We got it! The house of our dreams! It’s officially OURS! Thank you Jill! If anyone needs a killer, no BS realtor in Toronto, Jill Lubinski is your woman!”

- Kate Akman

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