I can’t tell you how many institutions, companies, #Realtors etc think this is a great BLUEPRINT FOR SUCCESS.
Last week I cancelled my IP and placed my Internet, TV AND phone line with the competition. I had more “issues”, visits from tech people, all with differing opinions on what solutions to bring forward for the fact that I was not getting what I was paying for…you know…WIFI! In utter frustration, I gave up and made the switch…(oh, and for $100 LESS per month…and with more bytes, options, channels…well you get it).
This company still has my cell plan….for now! Because my phone had to run on 3G due to dead zones all over the home…I was exceeding my plan every month. I was paying $15 more every month for the privilege. I upped my plan and STILL got texts telling me I was exceeding and they would no longer allow access to my data UNLESS I was in a WIFI zone. (that’s like the couple who waited for an hour to get their meal served in a restaurant, but asked the passing waiter if they knew of a place to get something to eat while they were waiting for something to eat!!!)
AFTER I switched to the competition, the former IP provider called to ask me if they could offer me more services AND lower my monthly bill! WTF!
Last year, AFTER I switched my investment account from my bank to its competition, the bank manager called to say “I hate to lose the business”….NOT “I hate to lose you as a loyal customer after these 25 years!” We have “special” interest rates we offer to our NEW customers and we’d like to offer this package to you….WTF! (by the way, that means “why the face?!” 🙂
ATTENTION ALL BIG BUSINESSES! When will you all learn to offer your LOYAL clients ALL the perks and more! that you offer those you’re trying to attract!
Do you have no concept of the HUGE COSTS attached to replacing the loyal members of your tribe?
Fine, I’m done! I’m here to say that for MY BUSINESS, added value, respect and appreciation for my loyal clients is only the STARTING LINE in my race to Success! I can’t put a price on my clients’ loyalty…but I sure can on their homes!
So what can your #torontohousewhisperer do for YOU today? (oh and thanks for listening to my rant!)